Pisces Zodiac Pack


SKU: MH8YP17160856523105 Categories: ,


Celebrate Your Personality And Style With Our Gemstone Zodiac Packs. The SetĀ 
creates The Perfect Gemstone Pairing For Your Astrological Sign. Aiding You In Honoring Your Talents And Challenges That Define Your Personality, And Letting YourĀ cosmic Nature Radiate. Perfect To Give As A Gift Or As A Gift To Oneself.

    AmethystĀ – A Natural Tranquilizer, An Extremely Powerful And Protective Stone With High Spiritual Vibration, Is Known For Its Ability To Still The Mind And Inspire An Enhanced Meditative State. Its Inherent High Frequency Purifies The Aura Of Any Negative Energy Or Attachments, And Creates A Protective Shield Of Light Around The Body, Allowing One To Remain Clear And Centered. Amethyst Stimulates The Third Eye, Crown Chakra.

    Blue SodaliteĀ – Useful For Unifying Logic With Intuition, Opening One To Spiritual Perception, And Bringing Information From The Higher Mind Through To The Physical Level. Believed To Stimulate The Pineal Gland And The Third Eye, Deepening Concentration When Used In Meditation.

    AquamarineĀ – A Cooling, Soothing Stone Associated With The Throat Chakra, Often Used To Enhance Clear Communication. Aquamarine Helps Bring One In Touch With The Subconscious, The Domains Of Spirit, And Our Deepest Emotions. A Powerful Cleansing Agent For The Emotional Body.

    Moonstone ā€“ A Stone Of New Beginnings. Like The Moon, It Is Reflective And Reminds Us That, As The Moon Waxes And Wanes, Everything Is A Part Of An Eternal Cycle Of Change. Moonstone Helps One To Increase Intuition And Empathy, Soothes Emotional Instability, And Helps Relieve Stress.

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    Pisces Zodiac Pack

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